Sunday, 14 August 2016

Top of The World, Chicken (i.e. Alaska we missed you!), Kluane and hikes

We left the city that still revolves around gold rush and took the Top of The World Highway to Tok,Alaska. On our way we felt like James Bond in Skyfall in the scene where he drives through vast, wild Scottish Highlands. We were surrounded by golden hills and purple heathers, already preparing themselves to stun a passerby with their delicate charm  during autumn.
The road leading through probably least frequented American border in the world with only 80-90 cars crossing it every day (and the one furthest north) led us to the place I already wanted to go a year ago: a town named Chicken.(use of the word "town" is me being generous here). Aparently the first residents of Chicken were gold miners who arrived there in late 1900s. The name Ptarmigan was suggested as the name of the new community, because of the prevalence of ptarmigans in the area, however the miners kept arguing about the spelling of 'ptarmigan' and hence, to avoid embarassement, they chose a word all of them new well: 'Chicken'. According to the most trustworthy (and yes, I'm not ashamed to admit it: my favourite) source of all knowledge, namely Wikipedia, the population of Chicken is 7 (SEVEN!).

We arrived in Tok by evening but it was nice to be back in Alaska. We felt as if Alaska was welcoming us. The sun even started to shine(so the sun does NOT only shine on TV) once we've crossed the border and we had a lovely picnic( with a pinch of adrenaline added to spice it up: was there a bear nearby?) on the edge of a remote stream.

The next day we drove to Kluane National Park (we were back in Canada). On our way we saw Destruction Bay. The surrounding acres of fallen trees and incredibly strong wind blowing in the bay added new meaning to the name of this community.
Our host  in Kluane National Park is incredibly nice and the welcome we received was very warm. It turned out he is a Britophile and even has a British flag in the living room of our lodge. He told us some interesting stories about himself (he used to be a pilot) and about bear attacks (there is a stuffed bear in the living room- perfect for a vegan, which he killed himself when the bear tore down the door and tried to attack him in his bedroom)

Today we went on a hike near Kathleen Lake, the beautiful waters of which are treacherous: they seem to be inviting to swim in them or at least brave them with a paddle boat but apparently the temperature of the water never rises above 4 degrees and the lake is 100 meteres deep, so anyone unlucky enough to fall overboard would have no chances of surviving. Furthermore, the wind can get very strong and the weather is unpredictable and capricious. When we set off, there was barely any wind at all but once we got to the first avalanche slope  (5 kilometres away), the wind reached the speed of  60 kilometres per hour. This is extremely dangerous in 'dead parts' of the forests, where trees might just slide down and kill any hikers looking for adventures.
We saw many signs of bears (such as fur left on the trees, claws signs and even urine on our path) but no bear itself. (which is perhaps rather fortunate).
We also learnt something interesting about squirrels: apparently they not only know which mushrooms  are edible and which are poisonous but they also dry them out on the trees to keep the mould away. We did see a champignon on one of the branches  of the tree later that day.
Tomorrow we're off for a full day hike (longer than 8 hours).

Opuscilismy miasto, ktore wciaz zyje goraczka zlota i wybralismy sie na autostrade o nazwie 'Szczyt Swiata'. Jadac nia czulismy sie jak James Bond w Skyfall w scenie, w ktorej przejezdza przez szkockie Highlands. Wokol nas roztaczaly sie zlote gory oraz fioletowe wrzosy, ktore juz przywdzialy swoja jesienna szate, aby niebawem zauroczyc przechodniow.
Po przekroczeniu najdalszej na polnoc granicy Stanow Zjednoczonych (I chyba najmniej uczeszczanej- srednio przejezdza tam 80 samochodow dziennie) znalezlismy sie w miasteczku (slowo 'miasteczko' jest tu uzyte z doza szczodrosci) o uroczej nazwie Kurczak. (juz w zeszlym roku chcialam tam pojechac, jak tylko dowiedzialam sie, ze takie miejsce istnieje). Z nazwa miasteczka (a raczej osady- wedlug mojego ulubionego zrodla czyli Wikipedii cala populacja wynosi 7 osob)wiaze sie ciekawa historia. Osada zostala zalozona w latach 1900etnych, kiedy dotarli tam gornicy w poszukiwaniu zlota. Osada miala nazywac sie 'kuropatwa' ze wzgledu na to, ze jest to narodowy ptak Alaski i bardzo powszechnie wystepuje w tamtym rejonie. Jednak gornicy nie mogli dojsc do porozumienia co do pisowni 'kuropatwa'( partridge), wiec zeby uniknac wstydu wybrali nazwe, ktora wszyscy znali: Kurczak.( Chicken).

W Toku znalezlismy sie dopiero wieczorem ale czulismy sie tak, jak gdyby Alaska nas witala z powrotem. Nawet  zaczelo swiecic slonce, ktore akyuat tego dnia zaszlo po kanadyjskiej stronie. Zrobilismy sobie takze uroczy piknik z lekka doza adrenaliny ( czy aby w poblizu nie ma misia) przy slicznym dzikim strumyku.

Nastepnego dnia pojechalismy do Kluane National Park. Po drodze minelismy Destruction Bay, ktora zasluguje na swoja nazwe z calymi hektarami polamanych drzew i bardzo silnym wiatrem.

Nasz gospodarz w Kluane jest przemily i okazalo sie, ze jest Brytofilem. Opowiedzial nam wiele ciekawych historii o swoim zyciu ( byl pilotem) i zwierzetach np. O niedzwiedziu ktory stoi teraz wypchany w salonie naszej lodgy, a zostal zabity przez naszego gospodarza, gdy wdarl sie w nocy do jego domu wylamujac w ciagu 2 minut drzwi.

Dzis wybralismy sie na hike wzdlug Kathleen Lake. Jezioro to zacheca pieknym kolorem wody, jednakze jest bardzo zdradzieckie. Biada temu, kto wypadnie z lodki! Temperatura nigdy nie przekracza 4 stopni Celsjusza, a jezioro ma ponad 100 metrow glebokosci.Co wiecej, w zatoce wieje bardzo silny wiatr, a pogoda jest kaprysna i nieprzewidywalna. Jak wyruszalismy, nie bylo sladu wiatru, a gdy dotarlismy do pierwszego stoku lawinowego wiatr osiagal predkosc 60 kilometrow na godzine. Jest to szczegolnie niebezpieczne w 'martwych czesciach' lasu, gdzie drzewa moga nagle runac na kogos, kto wybral sie na hike.
Po drodze  widzielismy  wiele znakow swiadczacych o obecnosci  misi ( futro na drzewach, slady pazurow na korze a nawet mocz na sciezce) ale ( moze na szczescie) ich nigdzie nie bylo widac.
Dowiedzielismy sie takze ciekawego faktu z zycia wiewiorek. Podobno te inteligentne zwierzatka nie tylko potrafia odroznic grzyby jadalne od niejadalanych, ale takze susza je na drzewach by zapobiec ich zwilgotnieniu. Podczas hike'u widzielismy wlasnie taka zasuszona wiewiorcza pieczarke na sosnie.
Jutro czeka nas kolejny hike, tym razem ponad 8 godzinny.


Unknown said...

Now I want to go to Canada :)

Unknown said...

Jess, you should!! It's gorgeous:)