Saturday, 8 August 2015

On the road: Anchorage - Talkeetna

We thought that by 'saying good night' yesterday from our spot in McDonald's we were finishing our day. We couldn't have been more wrong.
We had a wonderful vision of observing  aurora borealis in the middle of the night, as the weather was beautiful. So we waited until it became dark enough (which took ages- dawn was there till 1 am in the morning) and set off on search of aurora. Yet, as soon as we got out of the city (and 'soon' is not the right word to be used here, it took us ages to actually find our way out of the city) it turned out that it wasn't dark enough for aurora to grace us with its presence. So we ended up driving around Anchorage and saw few spooky abandoned cars but no glittering green lights.
Resigned, we just wanted to be back in our  bed and breakfast. Yet, it wasn't meant to be so easy. We ended up driving around downtown and getting opportunity for more people-watching. Of course, as you may all imagine, this wasn't a safe people-watching spot.
We arrived back in our bed and breakfast at 3 am. Without having seen aurora. But a good adventure is what really counts!
Today, we drove to Talkeetna and have a lodge with a beautfiul view at Denali Park with Mount McKinley, the highest mountain in Northern America.
Our way here was interesting as well- we saw some more moose and maybe even more surprisingly...a double-decker! A red double-decker that looked as if it was straight from London! It was parked in an anbandoned, bizzare parking lot, which looked as if it could have been used for thriller movies. It even had some lockers that could have been used for hiding away some human remains.
Another interesting thing was a raffle in which one could win ten (TEN!) guns. For twenty bucks only.
We also had opportunity to taste some delicious crab sandwiches and halibut burgers in Talkeetna, which turned out to be a tourist trap with a dozen of gift shops and even banana shops (shops where one can eat stuffed bananas). Luckily, our lodge is located in a deserted place, in a beautiful lush forest.

Myslelismy, ze nasz dzien dobiegl konca kiedy opublikowalismy wczorajszego posta z naszej 'miejscowki'w McDonald's. Jednak pozniej, jak to my, wpadlismy na pomysl, zeby sprobowac zobaczyc aurore borealis. Jako ze aurora wystepuje tylko przy ladnej pogodzie i wymaga calkowitej ciemnosci, czekalismy do 1 nad ranem (az do 1 byl zmierzch!) i wyruszylismy poza miasto. Niestety, okazalo sie, ze nie bylo tak ciemno jak bysmy chcieli (nadal panowal zmierzch!), a wyjazd zajal nam duzo czasu. Jednak jeszcze gorszy byl powrot. Zgubilismy sie i wyladowalismy w centrum, gdzie mielismy jeszcze wiecej okazji do obserwowania ludzi. Jednak nie do konca mielismy na to ochote biorac pod uwage kogo spotkalismy.
Do naszego bed and breakfast dotarlismy o trzeciej nad ranem. Bez aurory ale z przygodami.

Dzis dojechalismy do Talkeetny. Po drodze widzielismy wiele pieknych widokow, jeszcze kilka losi, polow lososi (a moze na odwrot;)?) i , co najbardziej zaskakujace, londynski dwupoziomowy autobus! Stal smutny i opuszczony na dziwnym parkingu, ktory wygladal jak rodem wyjety z thrillerow. Znajdowaly sie na nim nawet skrytki, w ktorych mozna by chowac ciala.
W Talkeetnie zjedlismy przepyszne kanapki z krabem i burgery z halibutem, a potem szybko z tamtad wyjechalismy, gdyz miescinka okazala sie pulapka dla turysty z dziesiatkiem sklepikow z pamiatkami i nawet stoiskiem serwujacym 'banany na sto sposobow'.
Teraz znajdujemy sie w zielonym lesie, w przepieknej lodzy z widokiem na Denali Park z gora McKinley, ktora jest najwyzsza gora w Polnocnej Ameryce.

Planned trip:


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