Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Australian Outback

Yesterday we crossed the state of Victoria(550 kilometers) to get to, what we previously thought would be 'the middle of nowhere' i.e. Mildura. The city, however, surprised us, it was nothing like the small villages we passed on our way there (which seemed to be completely deserted, as if life forgot all about them). Mildura turned out to be a big city that could be easily mistaken to be an American one ( huge streets, big supermarkets, even many obese peoplen not wanting to be mean, obviously). 'Why Mildura'? -you might wonder. Well, I have never been to the Australian outback before (unlike Raph, who visited Australia in 2004) and when I  saw a national park called Mungo on the map(110 kilometers from Mildura), I thought that could be a nice place to go to get a glimpse of the 'real outback'. So we drove off to Mildura and on our way there we saw giant lizards (Raph took a nice picture of it, sunbathing on a brick coloured road), kangaroos(which have reddish fur in this region and are generally smaller than the ones we saw around Melbourne), fast, funny emus and emerald parrots. Mungo National Park, which used to be a lake, surprised us by its Walls of China- otherwordly dunes stretching across 30 kilometers. On our way back, listening to 'Beds are Burning' and watching the sunset, we couldn't help but be enchanted by the Australian outback.

Wczoraj przecielismy stan Victoria (550 km), zeby dotrzec do czegos, co z gory okreslilismy jako 'miejsce gdzie diabel mowi dobranoc', czyli do Mildury. Samo miasto jednak okazalo sie zupelnie inne niz mijane przez nas wioski, ktore sprawialy wrazenie, jakby czas sie w nich zatrzymal. Mildura ze swoimi szerokimi ulicami i ogromnymi supermarketami( o otylych ludziach niewspominajac, nikt nie chce byc niemily) przypomina typowe amerykanskie miasteczko. 'Czemu Mildura'?- ktos moglby zapytac. Ja, w przeciwienstwie do Rafcia( ktory juz w 2004 roku  odwiedzil Australie), nigdy nie widzialam prawdziwego 'outback-u' i gdy ujrzalam na mapie nazwe Mungo National Park( 110 km od MIldury)stwierdzilam, ze mogloby to byc mile miejsce (z uwagi na to, ze nic dookola tego parku nie ma oprocz wlasnie wspomnianego outbacku). Po drodze do Mildury widzielismy ogromne jaszczury (Rafcio zrobil ladne zdjecie jednemu giganowi, ogrzewajacemu sie na ceglastej drodze), kangury ( w tym regionie sa mniejsze i maja czerwonawe futro), szybkie, zabawne emu i szmaragdowe papugi. Sam park Mungo, ktory byl kiedys jeziorem, zaskoczyl nas Chinskim Murem- pieknymi wydmami rozciagajacymi sie na 30 km. W powrotnej drodze, sluchajac 'Beds are Buring' i ogladajac zachod slonca nie moglismy nie dac sie oczarowac australijskiemu outbackowi.


Dhruti said...

Wow, these pictures are amazing, and you both look so well! :) The sunset would have been beautiful, I imagine. You two are giving me an itch to fly over now!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Dhruti!! Haha, fly over and join us! Bob would be happy to have another companion:)