Majority of you would have seen the movie 'Picnic at The Hanging Rock' or would have read the book. For the minority, let me explain: it's a horror/ mystery story set on Valentine's Day in 1900. A group of schoolgirls from a high- profile boarding school have a picnic at Hanging Rock and few of them go missing whilst exploring the surroundings of the Rock. Although the story is fictional, we could not resist the temptation of exploring the Rock ourselves. I must have been carried away by my imagination, however as we went deeper into the forest and higher up the summit and as the wind howling grew stronger and the sun hid behind the clouds, I felt a thrill of mystery. This was further enhanced by the fact that we were virtually alone. Having reached the summit of the Rock, I understood why the author of the novel was inspired to write a mystery/ horror story.
On our way back I spotted a family of kangaroos and we finally managed to get some pictures of them. We approached them( having jumped over a fence- glad we are not in the United States!) and could observe them from a closer distance, although after a minute of intense staring into each other's eyes, they must have decided we weren't trustworthy and/ or interesting enough for them to hang around and gracefully hopped away.Although there were many road signs warning of koalas crossing the road (taunting me!), we did not see any of them.I have a strong suspicion that those signs may only be serving a purpose of entertaining drivers, bored by the monotonous highway...
Wiekszosc z Was zapewne zna film 'Piknik pod Wiszaca Skala' badz czytala powiesc. Akcja dzieje sie w roku 1900, w dzien Sw. Walentego. Grupka dziewczat z pensji wyrusza na piknik pod Wiszaca Skala i kilka z nich ginie w tajemniczych okolicznosciach. Nic dziwnego, ze bedac tutaj postanowilismy przekonac sie, czy skala ta bedzie faktycznie tak niezwykla. (chociaz, oczywiscie, historia jest w calosci zmyslona). Byc moze dalam sie poniesc wyobrazni ale w miare jak zaglebialismy sie coraz bardziej w las i wspinalismy sie coraz wyzej, atmosfera stawala sie coraz bardziej tajemnicza. Potegowalo to wycie wiatru oraz fakt, ze bylismy tam praktycznie sami. Gdy dotarlismy na szczyt zrozumialam dlaczego autorka powiesci byla zainspirowana do jej napisania.
Wracajac, ujrzelismy rodzine kangurow i po pokonaniu plotu( dobrze, ze nie jestesmy w Stanach Zjednoczonych!) moglismy sie im przyjrzec z bliska. Kangury jednak musialy dojsc do wniosku, ze albo nie jestesmy godni zaufania albo nie jestesmy wystarczajaco interesujacy i po minutowym wpatrywaniu sie w nasze oczy, z gracja odskoczyly w busz. Pomimo wielu znakow drogowych ostrzegajacych przed koala, ktory moze wtargnac na droge, nie udalo nam sie zadnego zauwazyc. Zaczynam podejrzewac, ze znaki te sluza tylko uprzyjemnieniu kierowcom monotonnej drogi!
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