Friday, 12 September 2014

Koala bear

I could write about our 400-kilometer journey (from Mildura to Maclaren Vale), bore you with some more desriptions about the changing landscape (vineyards, bush, golden fields) but why would I do this if I can write about something crucial? We finally managed to find a koala bear! Having perceived a road sign warning about the danger of a suicidal koala appearing suddenly on the road, we decided to take a walk in the bush. We were walking there for almost an hour but our patience got rewarded and we finally saw the animal we had been most waiting to see. The koala was deeply asleep and it could not even be bothered to move when it saw us. But finally it yawned and climbed downwards (Raph might have helped it gain more energy to move by shaking the tree a little bit). Koalas are rare- there are only 100 thousands, as compared to 50 million kangaroos, so, as you can imagine, we are really happy we got a chance to observe it in its natural habitat, in the wild bush.

Moglabym dzisiaj zanudzac Was opisami pieknych krajobrazow, ktore mijalismy po drodze do Maclaren Vale z Mildury ( a mialabym o czym pisac- wspanialy busz, zlote pola, szmaragdowe winnice) jednak czemuz bym to robila, jesli moge napisac o czyms znacznie bardziej interesujactm? Udalo nam sie znalezc misia koale! Gdy bylismy w drodze do Adelaide, ujrzelismy znak ostrzegajacy o mozliwosci wtargniecia samobojczych koali na jezdnie, wiec zdecydowalismy sie na spacer po buszu. Nasza cierpliwosc zostala wynagrodzona i po godzinie ujrzelismy koale. Mis byl tak zaspany, ze nawet na nas nie zwrocil uwagi. Pozniej ziewnal i zszedl troche nizej ( na ten nagly przyplyw energii zyciowej zdecydowanie mial wplyw Rafcio, ktory zaczal trzasc drzewem). Koale sa rzadkim zjawiskiem- jest ich tu tylko 100 tysiecy ( w porownaniu do 50 milionow kangurow), mozecie zatem sobie wyobrazic, jak bardzo jestesmy zadowoleni, ze mielismy okazje obserwowac jedna w swoim naturalnym srodowisku w dzikim buszu


Dhruti said...

Yayyyyyyy! It's so cute and fluffy too

Nika&Raph said...

It was amazing!!:)

Unknown said...

AHHH that koala is so cutee!!!! haha and i loved that raphael shook the tree to wake it

Nika&Raph said...

Haha yeah the koala didn't like it though;)