Sunday, 7 September 2014

Great Ocean Road

We rented out a car today, which was immediately baptised. From now on it will be referred to as 'Bob' owing to its spectacular posture and strength. The three of us (Bob included) drove down the Great Ocean Road (see the pictures attached) and I couldn't be happier, because at one point I managed to spot two kangaroos.
The drive itself deserves a little bit of description- it was amazing, as the landscape kept changing constantly- we went through fields that resembled ones we saw in Cape Town only to suddenly find ourselves immersed in the exotic rainforest. (We even took a walk in it and it was a bewitching experience). The road itself, winding along the coast resembled the one in California.
The highlights of the drive (apart from the aforemntioned rainforest) were Twelve Apostles- limestone rocks scattered in the ocean and a quaint town called Apollo Bay with grass that was even greener than the English one, which is meticulously cared after by the gardeners.
Our trip lasted longer than we thought it would, because one had to be constantly aware of the fact that a kangaroo might appear on the road and due to  the state of the roads (most of them are aptly described by road signs as 'rough').
Our hunt for Koala bears still continues...

Wypozyczylismy samochod, ktory zostal od razu ochrzczony i odtad bedzie nazywany 'Bob' ze wzgledu na pokazne rozmiary i sile. W trojke (wlaczajac oczywiscie Boba) wybralismy sie na Great Ocean Road (w zalaczeniu zdjecia). Droga byla tak interesujaca, ze zasluguje na krotki opis. Najciekawsze byly ciagle zmiany krajobrazu- zielone pola z winnicami, przypominajace te kapsztadzkie nagle zmienialy sie w egzotyczny las tropikalny ( w kotrym zreszta udalismy sie na spacer). Sama droga natomiast bardzo przypomina ta kalifornijska, wijaca sie urokliwie nad wybrzezem. Oprocz dwoch kangurow, ktore wypatrzylam i ktore sprawily mi niesamowita przyjemnosc, najbardziej podobali nam sie Apostolowie -'12 Apostles', czyli skaly rozrzucone w oceanie oraz urokliwe miasteczko Apollo Bay, w ktorym zielen trawy byla bardziej gleboka niz przyslowiowego trawnika angielskiego. Podroz zajela nam znacznie dluzej niz sadzilismy ze wzgledu na to, ze Rafcio caly czas musial uwazac na mogace niespodziewanie wtargnac na droge kangury oraz na stan drog.
Wciaz polujemy na misia koale, ktory na razie sie przed nami sprytnie ukrywa.


Dhruti said...

Love the pictures guys! And i'm sure the Aussies will be glad that at least two foreigners (Bob isn't a foreigner) have managed to decipher their road signs...find some koala bears soon!

Unknown said...

Haha thanks Dhruti! And thanks for being brave and leaving a comment. We love comments yet no one ever leaves them:) it might be hard to find a koala bear- there are only 100 thousands as compared to 50 (!!) Millions (!!) Kangaroos. It's the kangaroos that rule The Aussie Land, not as humans;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lol I'm anonymous.